Safe Strings Library Reference Manual

Safe Strings library, version 2.0.1
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API Reference

  1. Basic information
  2. API Reference

I. Basic information top Top

II. API Reference top Top

SString Function List
/* Object generating functions */
ss_string* ss_string_new(const char* init);
/* Object destroy functions & Garbage Collector*/
char *ss_string_free(ss_string *string, int free_cstring);
void ss_string_gc_free(const char *str);
int ss_string_enable_gc(void);
/* Help routines */
void ss_string_perror(const char *msg);
char* strrstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
int ss_string_strcmp(const ss_string *s1, const ss_string *s2);
/* Insert functions */
int ss_string_append(ss_string *string, const ss_string *src);
int ss_string_append_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *src);
int ss_string_append_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *src, size_t src_len);
int ss_string_insert(ss_string *string, const ss_string *insert, size_t pos);
int ss_string_insert_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *insert, size_t pos);
int ss_string_insert_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *insert, size_t ins_len, size_t pos);
/* Replace functions */
int ss_string_replace(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern, const ss_string *replace);
int ss_string_replace_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, const char *replace);
int ss_string_replace_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, 
                                 size_t patt_len, const char *replace, size_t repl_len);
int ss_string_rreplace(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern, const ss_string *rreplace);
int ss_string_rreplace_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, const char *rreplace);
int ss_string_rreplace_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, 
                                 size_t patt_len, const char *rreplace, size_t repl_len);
/* Delete & Crop functions */
int ss_string_delete(ss_string *string, size_t pos, size_t len);
int ss_string_crop(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern);
int ss_string_crop_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern);
int ss_string_crop_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, size_t patt_len);
int ss_string_rcrop(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern);
int ss_string_rcrop_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern);
int ss_string_rcrop_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, size_t patt_len);
int ss_string_ltrim(ss_string *string, int (*blank)(int));
int ss_string_rtrim(ss_string *string, int (*blank)(int));
int ss_string_trim(ss_string *string, int (*blank)(int));
/* callback definition */ 
int blank(int);
/* Copy functions */
int ss_string_copy(ss_string *dest, const ss_string *src);
int ss_string_copy_c_string(ss_string *dest, const char *src);
int ss_string_copy_c_string_l(ss_string *dest, const char *src, size_t len);

Object generating functions

SString function 
ss_string* ss_string_new(const char* init);

Description Creates a new ss_string object initialized with an initial text
init The initial text to copy into the string. This argument cannot be NULL
Returns A newly created ss_string object. NULL by failure
Error model SS_NULL if init is NULL.
SS_NOMEM if there is no memory available (memory cannot be allocated)

Object destroy functions & Garbage Collector

SString Funktion 
char *ss_string_free(ss_string *string, int free_cstring);

Description frees the allocates memory for the ss_string-Object and its string
string The ss_string-Object to be freed
free_cstring Non-0 then the string is freed. If free_cstring is 0 then the string is returned
Returns The pointer to the string if free_cstring is 0. NULL otherwise

SString Funktion 
void ss_string_gc_free(const char *str);

Description Description: When you set free_cstring to 0 when you use ss_string_free() you get the pointer to the C-String. This C-String must be freed with ss_string_gc_free()
str The pointer to the C-String to be freed

SString Funktion 
int ss_string_enable_gc(void);

Description Enables the usage of the simple garbage collector. This function should be called before any other ss_string functions
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure

Help routines

SString Function 
void ss_string_perror(const char *msg);

Description This function works like perror(). ss_string_perror() uses the ss_errno variabe instead of errno
msg The string pointed to by msg that should be printed before the error message

SString Function 
char* strrstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);

Description Searches for the last occurrence of a substring in a string
haystack The C-String in which must be searched
needle The substring
Returns A pointer to the last occurrence of needle in haystack. NULL if needle is not found.

SString Function  
int ss_string_strcmp(const ss_string *s1, const ss_string *s2);

Description Compares two strings to content equality
s1 a valid ss_string-Object
s2 a valid ss_string-Object
Returns 0 if both strings are equal, 1 if not, -1 on error an ss_errno is set
Error model SS_NULL if s1 or s2 are NULL
SS_EINVAL if s1 or s2 are invalid ss_string_Objects

Insert functions

SString Funktion   
int ss_string_append(ss_string *string, const ss_string *src);
int ss_string_append_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *src);
int ss_string_append_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *src, size_t src_len);

Description This function family append a string into a ss_string-Object.
string A valid ss_string-Object
src ss_string_append(): another valid ss_string-Object to be appended
ss_string_append_c_string(), ss_string_append_c_string_l(): The string pointed to by src
src_len If you know the right length of the C-String then you can use ss_string_append_c_string_l(). Note that ss_string_append_c_string_l() does not check whether src_len is the right length.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Error model SS_NULL if string or src are NULL
SS_NOMEM if there is no memory available (memory cannot be allocated)
SS_EINVAL if string is not a valid ss_string-Object

SString Function    
int ss_string_insert(ss_string *string, const ss_string *insert, size_t pos);
int ss_string_insert_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *insert, size_t pos);
int ss_string_insert_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *insert, size_t ins_len, size_t pos);

Description Inserts a substring into a string
string a valid ss_string-Object
insert ss_string_insert(): a valid ss_string-Object containing the substring to be inserted
ss_string_insert_c_string*(): the substring (to be inserted) pointed to by insert
pos The position at which insert must be inserted
ins_len The length of insert. Note that ss_string_insert_c_string_l() does not check whether ins_len is the right length.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Error model SS_NULL if string or insert are NULL
SS_NOMEM if there is no memory available (memory cannot be allocated)
SS_EINVAL if string or insert are invalid ss_string-Objects

Replace functions

SString Function    
int ss_string_replace(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern, const ss_string *replace);
int ss_string_replace_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, const char *replace);
int ss_string_replace_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, 
                                 size_t patt_len, const char *replace, size_t repl_len);

Description Replaces the first occurrence of a substring given by its pattern with another substring
string a valid ss_string-Object
pattern ss_string_replace(): a valid ss_string-Object containing the pattern to be replaced
ss_string_replace_c_string*(): the pattern (to be replaced) pointed to by pattern
replace ss_string_replace(): a valid ss_string-Object containing the substitute substring
ss_string_replace_c_string*(): the substitute substring pointed to by replace
patt_len The pattern length. Note that ss_string_replace_c_string_l() does not check whether patt_len is the right length.
repl_len The substitute substring length. Note that ss_string_replace_c_string_l() does not check whether repl_len is the right length.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, -1 when pattern is not found in string
Error model SS_NULL if string or pattern or replace are NULL
SS_NOMEM if there is no memory available (memory cannot be allocated)
SS_EINVAL if string or pattern or replace are invalid ss_string-Objects

SString Function    
int ss_string_rreplace(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern, const ss_string *rreplace);
int ss_string_rreplace_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, const char *rreplace);
int ss_string_rreplace_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, 
                                 size_t patt_len, const char *rreplace, size_t repl_len);

Description Replaces the last occurrence of a substring given by its pattern with another substring
string a valid ss_string-Object
pattern ss_string_rreplace(): a valid ss_string-Object containing the pattern to be replaced
ss_string_rreplace_c_string*(): the pattern (to be replaced) pointed to by pattern
replace ss_string_rreplace(): a valid ss_string-Object containing the substitute substring
ss_string_rreplace_c_string*(): the substitute substring pointed to by rreplace
patt_len The pattern length. Note that ss_string_rreplace_c_string_l() does not check whether patt_len is the right length.
repl_len The substitute substring length. Note that ss_string_rreplace_c_string_l() does not check whether repl_len is the right length.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, -1 when pattern is not found in string
Error model SS_NULL if string or pattern or replace are NULL
SS_NOMEM if there is no memory available (memory cannot be allocated)
SS_EINVAL if string or pattern or replace are invalid ss_string-Objects

Delete & Crop functions

SString Funktion 
int ss_string_delete(ss_string *string, size_t pos, size_t len);

Description Deletes a substring by its position
string A valid ss_string-Object
pos The position of the substring to be deleted.
len The length of the substring to be deleted.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Error model SS_NULL if string is NULL
SS_EINVAL if string is an invalid ss_string-Object / pos determines an invalid position

SString Function   
int ss_string_crop(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern);
int ss_string_crop_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern);
int ss_string_crop_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, size_t patt_len);

Description Deletes the first occurrence of a substring given by its pattern
string a valid ss_string-Object
pattern ss_string_crop(): a valid ss_string-Object containing the pattern
ss_string_crop_c_string*(): the pattern pointed to by pattern
patt_len The length of the pattern. Note that ss_string_crop_c_string_l() does not check whether patt_len is the right length.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Error model SS_NULL if string or pattern are NULL
SS_EINVAL if string or pattern are invalid ss_string-Objects

SString Function   
int ss_string_rcrop(ss_string *string, const ss_string *pattern);
int ss_string_rcrop_c_string(ss_string *string, const char *pattern);
int ss_string_rcrop_c_string_l(ss_string *string, const char *pattern, size_t patt_len);

Description Deletes the last occurrence of a substring given by its pattern
string a valid ss_string-Object
pattern ss_string_rcrop(): a valid ss_string-Object containing the pattern
ss_string_rcrop_c_string*(): the pattern pointed to by pattern
patt_len The length of the pattern. Note that ss_string_rcrop_c_string_l() does not check whether patt_len is the right length.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Error model SS_NULL if string or pattern are NULL
SS_EINVAL if string or pattern are invalid ss_string-Objects

SString Function    
int ss_string_ltrim(ss_string *string, int (*blank)(int));
int ss_string_rtrim(ss_string *string, int (*blank)(int));
int ss_string_trim(ss_string *string, int (*blank)(int));
/* callback definition */
int blank(int);

Description Deletes the leading characters of a string that are equal.
ss_string_ltrim() deletes all leading characters from left to right.
ss_string_rltrim() deletes all leading characters from right to left.
ss_string_trim() deletes all leading characters at the beginning and at the end of the string
string a valid ss_string-Object
blank a function pointer to a function that returns 1 if the character must be deleted, 0 otherwise
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Error model SS_NULL if string or blank are NULL
SS_EINVAL if string is an invalid ss_string-Object

Copy functions

SString Function   
int ss_string_copy(ss_string *dest, const ss_string *src);
int ss_string_copy_c_string(ss_string *dest, const char *src);
int ss_string_copy_c_string_l(ss_string *dest, const char *src, size_t len);

Description Copies a string into a ss_string-Object
dest A valid ss_string-Object
src ss_string_copy(): a valid ss_string-Object to be copied
ss_string_copy_c_string*(): a string (to be copied) pointed to by src
len ss_string_copy_c_string_l(): The length of the string. Note that ss_string_copy_c_string_l() does not check whether len is the right length.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
Error model SS_NULL if dest or src are NULL
SS_NOMEM if there is no memory available (memory cannot be allocated)
SS_EINVAL if dest is an invalid ss_string-Object
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