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I have a job as a Poolmanager at the department of computer science of the University Freiburg since 01.10.05. Update: I don't work as a Poolmanager anymore because I have worked already four years at the department of computer science.
The network of our departament is complex and a couple of administrators are needed for the maintenance of the system and user support. There are full time administrators but there is samll team of students, that have administrative tasks and maintenance of the computer pools for students. The members of this team are called Poolmanagers and I am one of them.
Our tasks are
- account creating for students
- maintenance of the user accounts
- computer support for students
- system maintenance (software & hardware installation, etc.)
I am the "technician" of our team. I maintain a couple of projects that help us with our system administration duties, projects such as Solaris Jumpstart Server, Syslog server, Linux-Installation-CD, AOF Projekt, subversion repositories maintenance, etc.